A day at the races! This week we got a wealth of Strava data from Andy and Eva across two recent events that they have competed in. Find out more here. You’ll see that they each had a set of questions for the community to consider. I was busy trying to reproduce some of the graphs I’ve seen produced from sports watch / trackers and got very bogged down in the data. A quick look at the submissions that were coming through on twitter showed me that those submitting were focussing on a subset of the questions and only tackling one person’s data. Phew – it was good to take a step back! Eva’s question about the second kilometer of the run intrigued me. Friends that participate in triathlons have mentioned the initial pain over the first 500 meters but I hadn’t picked up on a lull after the first 1000 meters.
I’m sure I’ve learnt more from the exercise than Eva will, but here is what I came up with.