Makeover Monday, 2018 #22

Where is some of the worlds priciest residential property? For week 22 of #MakeoverMonday we look at a World Economic Forum chart trying to answer that question.

On first glance the chart is nice and clear, but is a tree map the right type of chart to use when we’re not looking at parts of a whole? A number of community members have suggested it is not, and for me that detail shouldn’t be left to the chart footnote just in case the chart is used in a standalone setting. The sort order of the areas isn’t super intuitive either, with the most expensive city in the top right.

I felt that areas worked well for the topic – square meters of real estate – but have overlaid them to allow the different cities to be more easily compared. This approach also removes the issue of not showing parts of a whole. I’ve tried for a blue-print like look and feel. Picking courier new to complement that. In hindsight that perhaps doesn’t work with a theme of wealth and costliness.

Tableau public version.

Pricey Property